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Showing posts with label Enjoying life. Clam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enjoying life. Clam. Show all posts

Dec 4, 2016

How to make this "moment" all yours?

All we have is this moment for what will succeed it, is unknown and uncertain, what preceded it, is either, lost to memories or regrets – or is in this short while called moment is life and bigger than the moment is the desire to make it ours, not all of us succeed but we all certainly try. The concept of owning something is very flimsy, weak and unreal – do we actually own anything ? The answer is no we never own , all we posses is the desire to own it, and then the moment we grab it, the desire dies its natural death and there is another desire, all weaved so closely that it hardly appears part, despite of million separations of choices, prejudices, likes, loves, hatreds and every other emotion known to us existing in the desire quite amicably.

 So, what is it that we are gunning for in this moment? Is it people, thing, or something else? Do we have to be right always or not? When the mind is separated from material worries, qualms that come from being part of a society – what remains? It may be hard to imagine on a quantifiable measure, but what remains is “us”  , the “real us” and in lifetime of struggle between needs of society and our own, we waste the current moment , the current moment is all that we actually posses in reality? So are we loosing it all or are there fragments of victory too?

 Owning a super car, building a company , winning a beautiful girl, watching family prosper and wealth multiply are what , every aspiring human desires for, then why is so that we all with common dreams differ and in so many ways? Confusion of this moment spreads to another polluting it enough to pass on the infection to all coming moments, result is a life full of unseparated desires , where society rules over you, relentlessly and in the most powerful manner.

 Breaking free is an option for us – but it comes with a pertinent risk of solitude, you may say no to society completely and then you shall have nothing but your own pair of ears listening to your voices  ? So do you wish to break free? May be not, but how do we still claim the moment for our own self, being part of a shield called society that  provides us an escape from utter solitude?

 It is by saying to yourself that all you need is this moment and nothing else, for you may get company at the cost of your belief which will always be temporary and selfish and but you would wilfully wish to reject them. The art to own the current moment is often linked with nag of befriending solitude, celebrating it with that remains when social desires are eliminated – modern world  has many sellers of its various techniques and many buyers too, who are so perplexed that they don’t mind trying anything that would help them reclaim the moment, desperately.

 Many escape to mediation, outing , drinking , drugging, singing, writing , reading, playing – to claim their moment – remember it isn’t lost till you have given up on it by accepting social cause’s supremacy over you .

In this moment, you have two choices – Be like the world wants you to be and loose this sole moment that you have or disengage everything social from the layer of desire and get in action to satisfy whatever remains -  I choose the latter, well it isn’t peril free, when you start doing it, you will have less or no friends but you shall have your moment , this moment on this note , its goodbye ;)  

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